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seeking young global talents.
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New Graduate Jobs
Graduated / Early-Career Jobs

“Making job hunting in Japan simpler”

Brush up your profile on JPort to appeal to leading companies to connect or apply to.

Apply for Internships, New Graduate, and Early-Career Jobs in Japan.

*If you already have a JPort Journal account, you can use JPort Match with your JPort Journal account.

Find companies in Japan
seeking young global talents.
Apply from wherever you are.

“Making job hunting in Japan simpler”

Brush up your profile on JPort to appeal to leading companies to connect or apply to.

Apply for Internships, New Graduate, and Early-Career Jobs in Japan.

*If you already have a JPort Journal account, you can use JPort Match with your JPort Journal account.

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Leading companies from various size and industries use JPort Match to recruit young global talents.

Senpai Tips

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Read what Senpai has to say about the company you are interested from job-hunting stories to the challenges Senpai faces at the current field.

EXEO Group

Bao Ngo Tien

construction management

Graduated Hanoi University of Industry in 2014 from Vietnam

Hanoi University of Industry 2014 卒業 , Vietnam 出身

Hello, my name is Bau. I am from Hanoi, which is located in the north of Vietnam. I graduated from the Electrical and Electronic Engineering Departmen...

Not confident or unsure about Shukatsu?
Move your job hunting forward together with JPort Journal.

The only rich shukatsu contents & diverse community where you can grow.

Shukatsu Events

22 online and offline events held in 2022 to give you practical support for your shukatsu, hear from senpais who can give you useful advice, and give you an image of possible careers for you in the future.

Senpai Community

JPort Senpai Community is your home in Japan where you can grow. Over 60 international and bilingual senpais actively supporting students through events and mentoring.

Shukatsu Courses and Articles

25 exclusive articles and 14 courses to give you an overview on what the Japanese shukatsu is and how you can prepare for it.